Carer training videos

The caring@home package for carers is designed to support one-on-one training by nurses who are teaching a carer to help manage breakthrough symptoms safely using subcutaneous medicines. The five short videos below support that training.

*You can download each video by opening it below, clicking download and saving to your computer. 

Play Video - Introduction


Play Video - Writing a label, opening an ampoule and drawing up medicine


Play Video - Recognising and rating breakthrough symptoms


Play Video - Giving medicine using a subcutaneous cannula


Play Video - Subcutaneous medicines

New - Ampoule opening technique

This video shows an alternative way of opening a glass ampoule safely using a clean syringe barrel.

Play Video - New Ampoule Opening Technique


Carer training videos (with English subtitles):

Play Video - Introduction


Play Video - Writing a label, opening an ampoule and drawing up medicine


Play Video - Recognising and rating breakthrough symptoms


Play Video - Giving medicine using a subcutaneous cannula


Play Video - Subcutaneous medicines