The art of leadership can effect caring@home implementation

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Sue Healy, in a previous clinical viewpoint reflected upon some of the barriers encountered with both carer and clinicians, when introducing the new standardised caring@home resources.

Crucial to any change in clinical practice is the manner of implementation and the leadership provided.

Using resources such as caring@home requires excellent leadership skills as you seek to initiate change and the learning of new skills both for patients, carers and other supporting agencies.

“Transformational leadership is the embodiment of all that is potentially good in leaders and leadership styles.”(Ellis Abbot 2013)

With this style of leadership is the recognition that all clinicians are responsible and have an important part to play in leadership.

John Kotter (2013) puts this simply when he writes, “In an ever faster-moving world, leadership is increasingly needed from more and more people, no matter where they are in a hierarchy. The notion that a few extraordinary people at the top can provide all the leadership needed today is ridiculous and it’s a recipe for failure”.

A transformational leader should:

  • Exhibit vision and care for their team and organisation
  • Possess a high level of emotional intelligence
  • Have excellent communication skills
  • Act with humility and within ethical guidelines
  • Exhibit consistent integrity.

Transformational leaders are those who are able to motivate and inspire by appealing to an individual’s morals and values. They have vision for their organisation which understands the strategic direction and challenges they may face. They are able to effectively communicate and share with others using high-level communication skills, underpinned with sturdy teaching and development skills.

On reflection, where do you stand as a leader within your work place ,and what skills may you need to be improving?


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