caring@home resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families

Tailored resources for families, health professionals and clinical services to support the provision of palliative care at home for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

These resources are packaged as a Palliative Care Clinic Box and can be ordered here. The Clinic Box contains resources that can be used with several patients and families.

** It is recommended when providing resources to families, that they are printed in colour. 

Resources for families

Tailored for Aboriginal families

Four short training videos for carers are available in English and four First Nations languages.
  • Video 1 - Caring for your loved one at home
  • Video 2 - Help manage symptoms at home
  • Video 3 - How to put medicine in a syringe
  • Video 4 - How to give medicine under the skin

Tailored for Torres Strait Islander families

Four short training videos for carers are available in Yumplatok (Torres Strait Creole).
  • Video 1 - Caring for your loved one at home
  • Video 2 - Help manage symptoms at home
  • Video 3 - How to put medicine in a syringe
  • Video 4 - How to give medicine under the skin

Resources for health professionals

  • Managing palliative care symptoms: A guide for health professionals (3.8MB pdf) - The Guide will help you manage palliative care symptoms.
  • palliMEDS - An app to familiarise primary care prescribers with eight palliative care medicines that have been endorsed by the Australian & New Zealand Society of Palliative Medicine (ANZSPM) for management of terminal symptoms.
  • caring@home app and caring@home Indigenous app - To assist health professionals supporting families, carers and patient, this purpose built app gives easy, quick and offline access to resources to support palliative care symptom management at home.
  • Online education modules - The online education modules are aimed at educating health professionals about the caring@home resources and how they can be used to teach carers and families to help manage breakthrough symptoms safely using subcutaneous medicines. 
  • List of resources (126kb pdf) - This document lists the contents of the Palliative Care Clinic Box. 
  • Introducing caring@home resources PowerPoint - This presentation may be used when introducing the caring@home resources into your service (4MB ppt)
  • Conducting education for a carer PowerPoint  - This presentation can be used to conduct face-to-face education sessions with nurses rather than requiring nurses to complete the online education modules developed as a part of the caring@home resources. (12MB ppt)

Page last updated 09 February 2024