Palliative Care Clinic Box

Symptom management support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families

The resources contained in the Palliative Care Clinic Box can assist health professionals to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people receiving palliative care at home, and their families. See below for a detailed list of the resources included in the Clinic Box.

How to use the Palliative Care Clinic Box:

  • The Clinic Box is designed to be stored centrally at the clinic/health service office and contains resources for several patients and families. We recommend you order one (1) Clinic Box per clinic site.
  • Health professionals supporting patients and families can choose which resources are relevant based on the symptoms the patient is experiencing, retrieve copies from the Clinic Box and provide them to the family.
  • The Palliative Care Clinic Box can be kept as a master copy, and resources photocopied as needed.

Please note: The order form for caring@home resources in now housed in the Redcap secure database management system. Please click the 'Order here’ button to be redirected to the order form.



What does the Palliative Care Clinic Box contain?

Palliative care symptom management resources
Resource type Number of copies Title of resource

Tip sheets

9 of each

  • Help with feeling sick in the gut
  • Help with fitting
  • Help with pain
  • Help with rattly breathing
  • Help with restlessness
  • Help with short of breath
  • Help with stress
  • Help with troubling visions, sounds, thoughts
  • Knowing when a person is getting closer to passing/Knowing when a person has passed


Information brochure for families


Helping to manage symptoms at home (customisable Word document)
Diary 3 Medicines book
Wall chart 3 What medicine to give?
Step-by-step guides 9 of each
  • Help manage symptoms at home
  • Put the medicine in the syringe
  • Give the medicine under the skin
Syringe labels 1 set of 24 pages A set of colour-coded syringe labels for common medicines used in palliative care - 24 pages
Competency assessment 3 Training checklist and carer/family post-training competency assessment
Training videos 1 USB containing four short training videos
Guide for health professionals 1 Managing palliative care symptoms: A guide for health professionals
Medicine guidelines 1 Guidelines for the handling of palliative care medicines in community services (Version 2)
Example policy and procedures   Example policy and procedures: Supporting carers/families to help manage breakthrough symptoms safely using subcutaneous medicines in the home (customisable Word document)
3 x Practice demonstration kits and sharps containers


Page updated 11 June 2024